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7 Tips For Developing Emotional Maturity Mar 16

7 Tips For Developing Emotional Maturity


Armando Orta

Why emotional maturity can lead to wealth creation.


Let me begin by giving this quote by Abigail Van Buren. Maturity is: The ability to stick with a job until it’s finished; The ability to do a job without being supervised; The ability to carry money without spending it; and The ability to bear an injustice without wanting to get even So the question is: Have you done everything that you thought was necessary to have the life style that you wanted only to be asking yourself, What happened? Why am I not where I thought I would be? Why am I not accomplishing my goals and dreams? What am I doing wrong? Could it be that we are moving in the wrong way? Sometimes when we are not moving in the direction that we want to go in, its easy to blame outside factors like: the product is bad, the economy is down, theres to much competition, people dont like strangers, the market is saturated or the compensation plan is weak etc. There are tons of reasons why we are not getting the results we want when it comes to getting out of debt, losing weight or getting a promotion. What most people dont realize. Is that when you start a new business, try to lose weight or move up in your job, it requires a huge amount of maturity. WHY? because people make decisions based on emotions. You may have heard that statement that says: People make decisions to either avoid pain or gain pleasure. Problem is most people are comfortable with someone else planning their lives, running their schedules, planning out their days and giving them directions. But when that direction is released, people easily become complacent, lazy or emotional. Why? because now we are responsible for making our own decisions. There can be great pain in change for those who resist, and developing maturity can be so painful that people stop doing what they need to do in order to be successful. Let me explain Emotional maturity or intelligence can be the missing ingredient to creating success and wealth and having the life style you want. Many experts now use emotional intelligence to determine and predict success. People like Robert Kiyosaki first come to mind. He has stated many times that people who have developed higher emotional intelligence and that can handle change tend to be more successful in life than those with lower emotional maturity or intelligence even if their IQ is average or below. A good example is professional sports. We see people competing at the highest levels and for some reason some go on to be great and others explode and have meltdowns. It is truly all about the mental inner game. Friend we must understand that adversity & trails only make you stronger and more powerful and give you the experience you need to overcome challenges and becoming unstoppable. Eventually, we have to take control of our thoughts. The good news is we can improve our emotional maturity. I have included 7 tips that can help you improve and increase your emotional maturity. TIP:1 Eliminate Negative Thinking – successful readers strengthen their minds and supercharge their success through thought replacement. TIP:2 Control and eliminate Anxiety controlling the root cause of anxiety (fear) TIP:3 Identify and Express Your Anger properly – the ability to control your anger keeps you from making fast decisions that you only regret later. TIP:4 How to Cope With Pain and Hurt – accept that it’s normal to feel hurt & pain. Don’t pretend you don’t feel it. The pain is real. You have to deal with it or you will never go beyond it. TIP:5 Face Your Guilty Feelings learning how to forgive and let things go can give you peace of mind and allows you to focus on important things. TIP:6 Live With Your Failures realize that the process of failing (learning) is a stepping stone in growing & maturing into a complete person. TIP:7 Put Your Feelings in Perspective it is important to have a balance view point of your emotions. Feelings are important but they can be very misleading.

Armando Orta – An Internet Marketing Consultant & Small Business Coach. Learn how to Master The Internet at

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7 Tips For Developing Emotional Maturity

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Why Is The Consulting Industry Going Digital? Dec 27

A consultant examines existing difficulties in a plan and proposes better alternatives by combining specialist knowledge and skills from several fields. Expert opinions and consultations have long been in high demand across a wide range of fields. Enterprises have been engaging consulting companies to receive external counsel or specialized knowledge in a variety of areas, including product development, operations, finance, marketing, human resource management, and the adoption of certain tools and technology, for example. General Consulting Marketplaces bring together consultants and services from a variety of industries. Not every consultant has their area of expertise. Some people create consulting markets where they hire other specialists to provide services to the marketplace’s customers.Why is the Consulting Industry Going Digital?Launching an internet consultation business is easier than starting a traditional consulting firm. It is feasible to establish an online consulting business on the move using basic tools and software solutions. The following tools can provide you with several advantages:• Live online communication: Any consulting service’s key driver is effective communication. By launching an online consulting service, you get access to contemporary communication channels that allow you and your customer to maintain a constant relationship.• Effective time management: Regardless of how legitimate the justifications are, no consultation company can succeed without both sides’ full dedication, which necessitates more effective time management, which is typically simple when using an online consultation platform. Calendar and event management solutions that are integrated can track, manage, and send an email, push alerts, and SMS reminders to the appropriate parties regarding planned appointments. It guarantees that no one misses the online meetings, which can be accessed from any location at any time.• Streamlined payment process: Whether you offer traditional or online consultations, you must charge your clients for the service. Clients may postpone payments or just refuse to pay after the consultation, which is a more chronic issue with any firm. That’s where an online consultation platform may help you place your services behind a paywall and build a solid workflow with a simple payment method. An online platform can handle everything from advance payments to automated invoicing, business payment plans, online payment processing, and balance payment reminders without the need for personal involvement.• Consolidated client management: Any consulting firm must have a thorough understanding of its clients. You may expect to receive more clients from all around the world if you offer online consulting. As a result, you’ll need a centralized data gathering and client management system to have a better understanding of your customers.• Easy accounting: Every firm, regardless of its type, must pay taxes. It becomes easier to maintain your accounting and taxes when your organization is simplified and transactions and invoices are processed digitally. Within any time range, the online consultation software can track and manage transactions as well as provide a complete audit of profits and payables. Furthermore, other accounting and tax administration applications may be integrated for more comprehensive data collecting and accounting.

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