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By Thomson Chemmanoor
Nowadays, everyone prefers to use electronic and telephonic correspondence in the form of an email or a phone call as it is very convenient for sending messages. This is a quick, fast and easy means of communication; but it is rather impersonal and lacks the appeal of a personalized letter. So, with the intention of using personalized stationery to give a personal appeal to one’s business, the internet has revitalized the concept of personalized stationery.
The importance of personalized stationery for a start up business should never be underestimated. This is because we use all sorts of stationery to serve different purposes in the business, ranging from personal notes to corporate business cards. Personalized business stationery in fact includes business cards of the business, envelopes, letterheads, signs, external business forms like invoices, receipts and purchase orders, internal business forms like inventory forms, pull orders, memos and supply requests, thank you note cards, place cards, sympathy cards and gift tag stickers. We hand over this stationery to prospective clients for many purposes every working day, like for placing orders, introductions, and maybe for pure correspondence. So this stationery should always look attractive as it is the stationery that is representing us, and giving the client an idea of who we are. The stationery can in fact, be termed a great marketing tool while giving us our own unique identity which is both distinct, and one-of-a-kind.
You can use personalized stationery for both your start-up business usage or for your own usage, and thus reap the advantages of letting the recipient of your letter or card feel more special and appreciated. It is through the personalized stationery that the receiver of the stationery believes that you remembered him, and that he is thought of more than just another face in the crowd. So if you do plan to make some personalized stationery, there are hundreds of companies, both online and offline, that offer personalized stationery at inexpensive and affordable rates. They usually print also personalized cards for businesses, special occasions, anniversaries, weddings and other celebrations as well, besides your simple business letter heads and envelopes.
It is through personalized stationery that a small start up business reflects what their organization is all about, its value and standards. In fact, through personalized office stationery, you can very well make your corporate identity a unique brand. Not only does personalized stationery identify you in the market place; it also gives the business a chance to promote itself by using the right colors, fonts and quality of paper in the personalized stationery.
Personalized stationery is comparatively expensive to stationery that is designed using templates. However, it is worth investing this extra money in the stationery as they help to express and advertise your business in a unique manner. With the copyright feature of the company logo, one can also enable the company to exclusively promote their stationery to the general public and other business industries, with this logo. The basic cost of the stationery is dependant on a few factors like the quantity of stationery required, because the more you order, the more discount you get. The cost for the stationery is more if you use up-to-date software that produces high quality designs and templates for the personalized stationery. Of course, hiring a designer to print the stationery too increases the cost for printing the stationery. However, although a highly experienced designer costs more, they can very well produce eye-catching stationery for you. And of course, the actual printing of the personalized stationery also has different costs associated with it. The type of print used, and its quality determines the cost of the stationery.
So for most start-up businesses, the cost of personalized stationery, and it’s benefits go hand in hand to create a feasible and manageable importance amongst them.
About the Author: Thomson Chemmanoor is a Freelance Website Designer and Search Engine Optimizer at
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