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Natural Skin Care Recipes Jul 14

Everyone of us will sooner or later have to come to terms with the fact that we are getting old. Our body gives us signals that things are not the way they used to be. We start squinting at a page when we read, or notice small blemishes on our face. When we run with the kids and notice that we are wheezing like an old steam train, and we may even fall to sleep every time we sit down. There are loads of signs that suddenly make us realise, we are getting old.

Growing old is a natural process in the life of every individual. Every person wants and will try to slow the process of ageing down, and they are prepared to go to great lengths to reverse the tell tale signs of time.The cosmetic industry use this fact to their advantage and turn over billions of US dollars yearly for anti-aging products in form from capsules, tablets, face creams, scrubs, peelings, moisturiser and of course, last but not least, the very radical options of Face Lifting or Plastic Surgery. The list is never ending!


However, anti-aging products which are made of natural ingredients can be a much better and very much cheaper option. There are many natural skin care recipes available that really do slow down the process of aging. These natural skin care recipes are much safer, compared to any surgery or cosmetic procedures and/or chemical solutions. Natural remedies are actually a great and even a fun option to reduce the natural aging effects.

Natural skin care recipes can be made quite easily from botanical oils, vitamins and herbal extracts which are essential for restoring the elasticity and the softness of the skin. However, most of the natural ingredients you can use for skin care are actually found in your kitchen or garden.

To mention just a few products you can use to make natural skin care recipes, coffee, cucumber, honey, green tea, almonds, lemon and lemon juice, milk, mint leaves and the list goes on and on.

There is really some fantastic literature out there that you can get hold of to start educating yourself on the topic of natural skin care recipes.

Acne Vulgaris Treatment Clearing The Way To Better Looking Skin May 09

The different types of treatments that are available for acne are not only applicable to all the blemishes that come from acne, but also the specific types that form. One of the forms of acne that is common among youth and adults is acne vulgaris. This particular form of acne will take place in different types and can cause discomfort and blemishes among youth and adults. If you want to work towards preventing this type of acne, than you can also look into an acne vulgaris treatment.

The cures for acne vulgaris are based around the severity of the acne that is formed. Typically, the severity will be divided into three areas. The first is the mild type, which can be prevented with over the counter medications and clearing the skin by keeping it clean and clear. The second type of severity is moderate, and sometimes includes severe acne, which will have more consistent breakouts. With this type of acne, it is important to use antibiotics, physician recommended solutions and topical treatments that will work best to treat the acne.

Within these different options are also different forms in which the treatments will be available in. Most likely, you will find the medications and treatments available with creams, lotions and gels that can be applied to the different areas. These work well if you are trying to get rid of spots that are in different areas of your face or forehead. For more severe cases, you can find oral prescriptions as well as options such as laser surgery or shots that will help to eliminate the acne. These different options will all help in eliminating the acne and in treating the trouble areas.

With the different formats that are available are also different ingredients that are contained in each of the solutions. One of the most common ingredients is benzoyl peroxide, which is known to combine active acids to prevent acne. There are also alternatives such as biomedical prevention through oils and natural ingredients. You may also find some remedies that will include minerals such as sulfur, allowing you to get rid of the acne through a different format.

The major advantage of all of these treatments is that it will provide you with a way to effectively get rid of acne while preventing further problems. If you don’t approach the problem of acne by finding the right solutions, it can move towards blemishes and scars on your face, as well as early signs of wrinkles from the inability to have the right nutrients moving through the skin. Because of this, it is important to make sure that you begin working towards a solution with your acne.

No matter what your skin condition is in, you can find ways to become clearer with your acne options by finding an acne vulgaris treatment. Knowing what your options are and what to look for with the treatments will provide you with a way of understanding how to approach acne and how to completely eliminate the problem.

Varicose Veins And Natural Home Cures Jun 19

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Submitted by: Krishan Bakhru

For proper treatment of varicose veins. the patient should, in the beginning, be put on a juice fast for three to five days or on fruit diet for five to seven days. A warm-water enema should be administered daily during this period to cleanse the bowels and measures should be taken to avoid constipation.

After the juice fast or the fruits diet, the patient should adopt a restricted diet plan. In this regimen, oranges or orange and lemon juices may be taken for breakfast. The midday meal may consist of raw salad of any of the vegetables in season, with olive oil and lemon juice dressing. Steamed vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, carrots, turnips, cauliflower and raisins, figs or dates may be taken in the evening. No bread or potatoes or other starchy foods should be included in this diet, or otherwise, the whole effect of the diet will be lost.

After the restricted diet, the patient may gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet with the emphasis on whole grains, seeds, nuts, vegetables and fruits. About 75 per cent of the diet should consist of raw vegetables and fruits. All condiments, alcoholic drinks, coffee, strong tea, white flour products, white sugar and white sugar products should be strictly avoided. A short fast or the fruit diet for two or three days may be undertaken every month, depending on the progress.


Raw vegetable juices, especially carrot juice in combination with spinach juice, have proved highly beneficial in the treatment of varicose veins. The formula proportions considered helpful in this combination are carrot 300 ml. and spinach 200 ml to prepare 500 ml of juice.

Certain nutrients have been found effective in the treatment of varicose veins. The most important of these nutrients is Vitamin C. When Vitamin C is lacking, veins sag and become tortuous, which is the first stage of varicosity. In addition, there is often an anemic condition present, which makes for a poor and weakened blood supply. Dr. Foote says, ‘many of these patients are deficient in vitamins and healing may be accelerated by attention to this point, especially if large doses of Vitamin C are added to their diet’.

The alternate hot and cold hip bath will be very valuable and should be taken daily. The affected parts should be sprayed with cold water or cold packs should be applied to them. A mud pack may be applied at night and allowed to remain until morning. The hot epsom-salt bath is also very valuable and should be taken twice a week. The legs should be exposed to sunlight for some time during the day.

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